Monthly Archives: July 2009

Taking Your Husband’s Last Name

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said: Here’s a touchy subject I have strong opinions on. Let me deal with the hyphenation matter first. I know people with hyphenated last names. Many of them are wonderful. The most obvious … Continue reading

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Rabbis Arrested On Charges Of Money-Laundering

If the feds audited yeshivas, I suspect they would find more cases of illegality than innocence. Report: FBI and IRS rounded up scores of elected officials and several rabbis across the state in what is being described as one of … Continue reading

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When The Goyim Mock Us For Not Wearing Shoes

Rabbi Michael Broyde writes: "Second, we now live in a society where Jews ought to seek to conduct themselves in ways that cause the Gentiles around us not to mock us. Halacha frowns on letting Jews be mocked and certainly … Continue reading

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Provocative New Book On Orthodox Jewish Philosophers

Rabbi Gil Student writes: When I first opened R. Ira Bedzow’s recent book, Halakhic Man, Authentic Jew: Modern Expressions of Orthodox Thought from Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits, I was surprised. I had expected to find summaries … Continue reading

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I Want To Prosecute You For Love Crimes

I grew up with a father who had two PhDs. One was in Rhetoric. Dad could take neutral events and make you feel like they were war crimes. He could connect Abraham with Christmas. He could do almost anything rhetorically. … Continue reading

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