Monthly Archives: April 2009

The Streits Matza Controversy

David Deutsch writes for Heeb Magazine’s blog Jewdar: Let’s first of all get some conflict of interest issues out of the way: Yes, Streit’s has been a longtime advertiser in Heeb. And yes, Heeb‘s own associate director of business David … Continue reading

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Checking My Investment Portfolio

I check mine obsessively, always weighing up my number of mitzvos and comparing them to my number of averas. At the moment, these two sides of the ledger are dead even. Rabbi Gil Student writes: Some people are tempted to … Continue reading

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Helping Homosexuals Overcome Their Homo Urges

JONAH WRITES: JONAH’s success rate, for those who spend at least 2 years committed to our comprehensive program of private and group therapy, as well as mens experiential weekends, Shabbatons, etc., shows that 2/3’s of our participants either move comfortably … Continue reading

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The Talmudic Encylopedia Head Dead At 96

( Rabbi Yehoshua Hutner, the long-time Director of the monumental Talmudic Encyclopedia project, passed away early Monday morning at the age of 96. Born in Warsaw in 1913, the deceased was the scion of rabbinical families in Europe. Even his … Continue reading

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Is There Anything Morally Special About English?

I email Stephen Steinlight: "Do you think there’s anything about the English language that helps create a good society or is it entirely coincidental that all English-speaking societies are pretty good places?" Dr. Steinlight responds: Luke: Of course English-speaking societies … Continue reading

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