Emunah emails: "You have been scooped by David Suissa. He is interviewing Rabbi Lazer Brody, Breslev Rabbi from Israel, who is in town to spread Emuna (trust in God), and is speaking tonight at Nessah. For his full schedule while in LA go to www.lazerbrody.net and click on the poster link on the top right."
Rabbi Lazer Brody is a unique Breslev Rabbi who is committed to helping people from all backgrounds to discover their hidden strengths and potential.
Known as the "Rambo Rabbi" and a former commando of an elite IDF infantry reconnaissance unit, Rabbi Brody is a remarkable spiritual guide who has succeeded in leading tens of thousands of people from around the world down the path of true happiness and tranquility. In his acclaimed book "The Trail to Tranquility", he brings the reader priceless advice and guidance in dealing with life’s most trying situations. As the English voice of his beloved mentor and spiritual guide Rabbi Shalom Arush, Rabbi Brody is the translator of Rabbi Arush’s international bestsellers, "The Garden of Emuna" and "The Garden of Peace". Don’t miss this unique opportunity to see, hear and meet him.