Daily Archives: February 25, 2009

Britain Halts For The Death Of A Handicapped Child

Try to read this New York Times story without tearing up: LONDON — Ivan Cameron was just 6, a boy with a lovely smile who was born with cerebral palsy and a severe form of epilepsy that deprived him of … Continue reading

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Give Me Your Soul

From the National Film Board of Canada, this first came out in October of 2000: Give Me Your Soul IV @ Yahoo! Video

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New Report: Should Judges Control US Immigration Policy?

Mark Krikorian writes: WASHINGTON (February 25, 2009) – In last week’s decision in the case of 17 Chinese Uighur Muslims held at Guantanamo, a federal appeals court reiterated the exclusive control over immigration by the political branches of government. The … Continue reading

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Religious Gratitude For The Atheist Wave

Rabbi Gil Student writes: There is a thought-provoking opinion piece in today’s Wall Street Journal (link) in which the religious author suggests that he is grateful for the recent wave of vocal atheism: Why should believers welcome this emergence of … Continue reading

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Wahe Guru – What Have You Done To Me?

I’m in yoga. I went to be flexible for my Torah class later in the evening, flexible enough to see alternative readings of the sacred text, alternative interpretations, alternative ways out of religious obligation. We’re asked to move our mats … Continue reading

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