Monthly Archives: February 2009

Monthly Attendance Award

I drove my last mile home today behind a beat-up Nissan Pathfinder driven by a fat Latina woman. The back of the car had two bumperstickers that said: "My child won the Monthly Attendance Award at Martin Luther King Elementary … Continue reading

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Dot Indian

When asked to explain the symbolism of the bindi (the colored dot worn on the forehead of Indian women), V.S. Naipaul said: "The dot means: my head is empty." (Pg. 387) I got into a discussion last night of young … Continue reading

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I’m Starting To Find People Abrasive

Yes, even a rude crude bloke like me can find other people abrasive. I must’ve changed. It must be all the Alexander Technique and yoga I’m doing. I feel different. I’m not as flip and as cynical. I no longer … Continue reading

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I Want To Be A Great Writer Like V.S. Naipaul

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Align The Heavenly Forces In Your Life

I don’t believe in astrology but I don’t deny its relevance either. I’m agnostic. But one can’t be agnostic in the way one lives. You either live as God matters or you live as if God does not matter. You … Continue reading

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