Monthly Archives: February 2009

Self-Telecourse With Rabbi Dr. Marc Gafni

I love this, especially the graphic, it opens up all my shakras, if I was at a lower level of consciousness I would mock that which I do not understand, but I evolved and am now ready to proclaim the … Continue reading

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Conservative Judaism Pushes Aliyah

From The Jerusalem Post: The Conservative Movement will launch a campaign to encourage immigration to Israel from North and South America during the movement’s annual Rabbinical Assembly convention this week in Jerusalem. "In the next two to three years we … Continue reading

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How To Daven Without Bothering Others

Nachum Lamm posts: Keep it to yourself. Don’t enthusiastically yell out parts of tefillah, say something along with the Chazan (outside of singing) and so on. People should hear the chazzan (or ba’al koreh) and no one else. And yes, … Continue reading

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A History Of NCSY

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Zev Eleff, a YU undergrad, recently published a history of NCSY titled Living from Convention to Convention: A History of the NCSY, 1954-1980 (press release). The book is remarkable for a number of reasons. First of … Continue reading

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Kosher Investments

Skeptical writes to Hirhurim: "I was impressed that R. Belsky indicated that there would not be a problem eating bagels from an establishment that is not under kosher supervision (since bagels are made on designated equipment). Is this a widespread … Continue reading

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