Daily Archives: January 5, 2009

The Today Show Should Ask Ann Coulter Tough Questions About Jews

Matt Drudge reports: "Coulter was set to unveil her new book, GUILTY. But one network insider claims it was the book’s theme — a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era — that got executives to dis-invite the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Marries For Third Time

My Dennis Prager biography. This is Prager’s second tall blonde wife in a row. I saw Sue with Dennis Aug. 5, 2007 ago at a conservative gathering. Prager’s first wife Janice looked like Keira Knightley in this photo. Says a … Continue reading

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The Fast-Track Aliyah Application

(Jerusalem, 5 January, 2009) Nefesh B’Nefesh has launched a new cutting-edge ‘One-Stop Aliyah Application’ for North American citizens, in a joint venture with the Jewish Agency, to streamline the Aliyah process making it easier for potential Olim. The new application, … Continue reading

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Christina DeRosa Interview

I spent Friday afternoon with actress Christina DeRosa at the store of her friend Jacob Meir — Shoes for the Stars(7558 Melrose Ave, shoesforthestars@hotmail.com, 323-655-2657). Complete video. I meet makeup artist and clothing designer Tal Sheyn. Christina Christina Christina Tal … Continue reading

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