Monthly Archives: November 2008

A Bit Portly

A friend from childhood emails: Luke you probably don’t remember me, but I can still picture you running down the road exercising in Angwin. You were just a boy maybe around 13 or 14. I remember you giving me advice … Continue reading

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Who By Fire

I’m enjoying this new novel by Diana Spechler. Was Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach the epitome of Jewish love? I always thought so until the past few years. From Diana’s new book: A wise Jew says: "And it’s not your fault you … Continue reading

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Bullying The Prop 8 Crowd

From the WSJ: Last week America elected its first black president. But while racism in America is enormously diminished, it is not dead. Blogger Rod McCullom relays a report of postelection bigotry at a rally in Los Angeles, described by … Continue reading

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Pat’s Kosher Restaurant

Joe emails: As promised, a Pat’s review. Pat’s gets a five star rating, but it should not take itself too seriously, for its competitors among kosher restaurants reminds me of the good old fashioned christians and lions battles in the … Continue reading

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‘Love Junkie’ Author Rachel Resnick VI


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