Monthly Archives: November 2008

Vincent Bugliosi on giving Bush the “Alice Walker” benefit of doubt!

This clip confuses me for my friend Joey Kurtzman, who was the one who asks the question here at AJU:

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The First Basket

From Did you know that a Jewish kid from New York scored the first basket in the NBA? A New York movie if ever there was one, The First Basket follows the little-known history of Jews and basketball at … Continue reading

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Nathan Englander At AJU’s Book Festival

Here’s an excerpt of my report: The second speaker I catch at AJU is Nathan Englander. He’s interviewed by Beverley Seehoff. (Listen) When I hear her described as graduating from college in South Africa in 1983, I’m expecting a crone. … Continue reading

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The Morality Of Blogging

Is blogging good for the Jews? Orthodox Rabbi Gil Student writes: Blogs have gotten a lot of bad press in the Jewish community (e.g. here and here), and with good reason. There are blogs that do any of a number … Continue reading

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Was Obama’s Victory Due to the ‘the American alliance of Jews and Negroes’?

I was shocked, shocked to read this virulent racism from Europe, but I admit it also made me laugh. These are dark days for conservatives and we’ll take our humor where we can get it. I love how Europe loves … Continue reading

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