Monthly Archives: November 2008

Is There A Jewish Political Tradition?

Lawrence Kaplan writes to Hirhurim: "Ruth Bevan’s article "Is there a Jewish Poliitical Tradition?" is exceptionally thin. To cite Tevye from "Fiddler on the Roof" as proof of a Jewish anti-political tradition is embarrassing. At least she might have referred … Continue reading

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What Can We Learn From Christians?

I’m not sure. Judaism is a very different religion. Orthodox Judaism in particular is a highly demanding way of life. Sure, groups such as the Happy Minyan and Aish HaTorah can make the medicine of fundamental Jewish life go down … Continue reading

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Where Will The Gays Riot Next?

Joe emails: If you want to know where and when the gays will riot next, this is a great website: It shows who gave money in support (or in opposition) of prop 8. If I were on the list, … Continue reading

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Orthodox In-Fighting

Joe emails: The infighting among Orthodox shuls in L.A. is really an embarrassment. Young Israel of North Beverly Hills is a total train wreck and a textbook example of what happens when ego is mixed with money and control issues. … Continue reading

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Gay Activists Target Supporters Of Prop 8

This time the Mormon manager (Marjorie Christoffersen) of a restaurant (El Coyote) gets blasted. This approach is sure to win friends and influence people to the gay side. Gay activist Micah reports: Marjorie walked out with (her two daughters?) on … Continue reading

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