Daily Archives: October 12, 2008

Torah Portion Predicts Israel Gets Fat & Coarse

Luke Ford and Joey Kurtzman discuss Torah portion Haazinu. Deuteronomy 32. Everything can be taken from you but God. What do you put your faith in? Your intellect? Complete video here.

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I Only Take Questions From Attractive Young Women

Joey Kurtzman claims to be as interested in male opinions. But he’s married. Complete video here.

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Adopting An HIV-Positive Cat

A friend of mine adopted an HIV-positive cat. She’s says HIV in animals is harmless to humans. How do cats primarily catch HIV? Is it mainly through sharing needles or from male-on-male anal sex?

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The Pious & The Portly

Joey Kurtzman and I discuss Torah portion Haazinu which predicts Jews will become fat. Complete video here.

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I Want People To Join Communities

Joey Kurtzman and I discuss Torah portion Haazinu. Deuteronomy 32. I want people to join communities to look out for each other and to create a safety net. Complete video here.

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