Daily Archives: August 19, 2008

John McCain Won The Saddleback Confrontation

By Michael Gerson in the Washington Post: WASHINGTON — It is now clear why Barack Obama has refused John McCain’s offer of joint town hall appearances during the fall campaign. McCain is obviously better at them. Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Civil … Continue reading

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The Olympic Rabbi

From Haaretz: There is one man at the Beijing Olympic village who is not officially classified as an athlete, but runs as many kilometers as the competitors. He too began preparing for the Olympics many years ago and he too … Continue reading

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Israeli Principal Arrested On Molestation Charges

From YNETnews:   A school principal in a West Bank settlement has been arrested on charges of indecent assault against dozens of his students, aged 12-14, Ynet has learned. Married and in his late 40s, the man was brought before … Continue reading

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