Daily Archives: August 17, 2008

The Kosher Fight For Justice

Shmarya Rosenberg writes for Jewcy: Undocumented workers, always one phone call away from deportation and a moment away from being summarily fired, are afraid to object to abusive working conditions. This makes them ripe for exploitation, as has been amply … Continue reading

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Partisan Rabbi Claims To Be Impartial Investigator Of Agricprocessors

Failed Messiah reports: The co-leader of the rabbis’ staged visit to Agriprocessors, Rabbi Lerner claimed to be an impartial invesigator. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. We’ve shown that before. Here’s some new evidence of Lerner’s bias. … Continue reading

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Obama’s Foreign Donors

Pamela Geller writes: I have been researching, documenting and studying thousands upon thousands of Obama’s campaign donations for the past month. Egregious abuse was immediately evident and I published the results of my ongoing investigation. Each subsequent post built a … Continue reading

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Joseph Shereshevsky Exploited Community Ties

Tom Sheen writes: A Norfolk resident charged Monday with helping bilk investors out of $100 million relied on ties that he cultivated within the region’s Orthodox Jewish community during the past decade, according to court documents. Joseph Shereshevsky became known … Continue reading

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Lindsay Lohan Converting To Judaism?

From EOnline: Kevin Mazur/WireImage.com It’s no shtick—Lindsay Lohan is converting to Judaism. And apparently, her family is taking the news very well. "As long as she believes in God," says her father, Michael Lohan, a self-proclaimed born-again Christian who raised … Continue reading

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