Daily Archives: August 8, 2008

Aviv Tuchman – The Best Solution To The RCC

I ran into a bloke the other day who felt like he was dealing with a corrupt beit din at the Rabbinical Council of California. I referred him to attorney Aviv Tuchman at tuchmanlaw@aol.com.

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Five Angles For The MSM On Edwards/Hunter

Bill Wyman writes: I can think now of five separate angles the mainstream news outlets are missing with the John Edwards/Rielle Hunter scandal story. In other words, by not writing about the charges originally—airing them out and letting their audience … Continue reading

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Olympic Opening Ceremony Tonight?

I’m watching the Today show this morning and it keeps talking about the Olympic opening ceremonies beginning tonight. But the opening ceremonies are already finished. They were finished hours ago. Because NBC is delaying the broadcast of them for about … Continue reading

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Random House Refuses To Publish Novel On Islam

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Publisher Random House has pulled a novel about the Prophet Mohammed’s child bride, fearing it could "incite acts of violence." "The Jewel of Medina," a debut novel by journalist Sherry Jones, 46, was due to be … Continue reading

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No Wonder Newspapers Are Dying

Tom Bernis writes: LONDON (MarketWatch) — The scandal over former Sen. John Edwards’ alleged fathering of a love child is rapidly being surpassed by a greater travesty — not one single major media organization in the U.S is covering the … Continue reading

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