Daily Archives: August 3, 2008

Judging By The Student Comments On My Video Commentary, Shalhevet Parents Should Demand A Refund

Who teaches English at Shalhevet? Judging by the comments left on my YouTube video about the school, many Shalhevet students lack both reading comprehension and writing skills. Jonasman, who I assume is a student at Shalhevet, responds to my video … Continue reading

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Studio City’s Congregation Beth Meier

From the Los Angeles Daily News: STUDIO CITY – The "house of light" – Congregation Beth Meier in Studio City – will consider the dark when it observes the Jewish holiday of Tisha b’Av next week. At Beth Meier, the … Continue reading

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Drinking & The Jews

Lisa Miller writes for Newsweek: It was a Saturday afternoon in July, and according to the police report, the young man was driving drunk. Milton Berle was echoing the generations-old conventional wisdom when he quipped that "Jews don’t drink much … Continue reading

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