Monthly Archives: August 2008

LA’s Love Fest

Rabbi Yonah writes on Before speed dating, J-Date, Valentines Day or Sadie Hawkins Day, there was the original ancient Love Holiday -Tu B’Av. Jewish maidelach and suitors went out into the fields to see and be seen, really, the … Continue reading

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Random House Caves To Muslims

You Still Can’t Write About Muhammad By ASRA Q. NOMANI August 6, 2008; Page A15 Starting in 2002, Spokane, Wash., journalist Sherry Jones toiled weekends on a racy historical novel about Aisha, the young wife of the prophet Muhammad. Ms. Jones learned … Continue reading

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Beijing Is A Cesspool

Why are we allowing a regime the moral equivalent of 1936 Germany to host the Olympics? Beijing’s air is as filthy as its leadership. The whole thing stinks. This is shaping up to be the worst Olympics in 70 years. China supplies … Continue reading

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I Don’t Feel Like I’ve Done Enough To Bolster The Self-Esteem Of Gay Black Men

Out for a drive this evening, I listened to a heart-breaking segment on NPR about the low self-esteem of young gay black men. They say that when they are out with their own people, they are often called negative names. … Continue reading

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‘I Served The King Of England’

If a movie should be like a dream, then this Czech number is perfect. Like my life, it’s a gorgeous dream interrupted by the odd nightmares. The movie is filled with beautiful moments and beautiful works of art. It is set in … Continue reading

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