Daily Archives: July 31, 2008

Danielle Berrin Goes Out On A Limb

In the latest issue of the Jewish Journal, she writes about blacks and Jews: "Even while certain members of each community suggest a diminishing relationship among blacks and Jews, the foundation’s ability to attract high-powered Hollywood to support its mission … Continue reading

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How Are Jewish Newspapers Holding Up?

Newspapers are in a terrible bind around the world as readers migrate to the web to get their news and there is as yet no way for most publishers to earn a profit online. As I ask around at Jewish … Continue reading

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Married Women Should Take On Their Husband’s Last Name

I would not marry a woman who wouldn’t drop her maiden name and take on my last name (I’m aping something said by Dennis Prager). From YNET News: Married women should give up their maiden name, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona … Continue reading

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Jews Argue Over The Ethics Of Kashrut

From the Boston Globe: The raid on Agriprocessors’ Iowa plant has sparked debate in the Jewish community about the role of ethical considerations in the production of kosher food and sets the backdrop against which the moderate Conservative movement will … Continue reading

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Mid-Level Players In MSM Touch John Edwards Love Child Story

Mickey Kaus writes: Rebellious nibbling from mid-rank players who are harder to coopt than the New York and Washington elites: North Carolina News & Oberver : "Facing Questions, Edwards Evades Reporters" … On Wednesday, Edwards apparently ducked out a side … Continue reading

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