Daily Archives: February 22, 2008

I Lost All My Friends Through Blogging

Almost all the good friends I had in Los Angeles in 1997 I lost by 1998 because of their vehement objections to what I was writing online. This devastated me. I went into therapy for years to talk about it. … Continue reading

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Singer/Actor Rick Moses Talks About His Conversion To Orthodox Judaism

Three weeks ago while having lunch with Evan Sayet at Milk n’ Honey, I got into a conversation with singer/actor Rick Moses (Young Dan’l Boone, General Hospital, Avalanche) who was sitting next to us. On Thursday, Feb. 21, I interview … Continue reading

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600 Students Observe Shabbos, Some Say For Keeps

From Lubavitch.com: Preparing Shabbos takes work. With 600 guests coming for two dinners and then some–that’s months of hard work for Chabad Shluchim, lots of fundraising and logistical planning. Why do they do it? (lubavitch.com/LNS)  “What a credit to Chabad … Continue reading

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Man Claims He Had Sex With Barak Obama In 1999

From the Cleveland Leader: Barack Obama now faces a new challenge – one that is sure to be much more scandalous than anything he’s seen so far. If the allegations are to be believed, it’s also a scandal that his … Continue reading

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