Action Man: Wedding bells at Lucha VaVoom

Liam Gowing writes:

I took the plunge and instantly obtained my ministerial credentials. Then, after consultation with Lucha VaVoom, I volunteered my services on Cupid’s big night to "loving, committed couple[s] in possession of a valid wedding license looking for a unique way to tie the knot."

The perfect pair turned up immediately. Big fans of Lucha VaVoom who were already planning a Jewish-Buddhist interfaith ceremony with a rabbi next month, Weiner and Ko were not just ready and willing to declare their undying love in front of a giant theater filled with strangers, strippers and masked luchadores, they were thrilled with the idea.

Don’t care for the service I planned? No problem. When you officiate a wedding, you have my Universal Life Church-sanctioned blessing to create your own.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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