Daily Archives: February 14, 2008

What Are You Doing To Celebrate Black History Month?

Khunrum emails: "Booger Black History month….I’m fuming that Spielberg has dropped out of the Olympics because of the "suffering in Darfur" without mentioning the suffering in Burma where military thugs have been repressing Democracy for years. The missus, (Ms. SOpee) … Continue reading

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Holly Randall Goes To Shul

Since our fling in late 2005 and early 2006, I’ve often hoped that erotic photographer Holly Randall would give up her profession and become my Jewish wife. We just fit together so well. (Don’t have a dirty mind!) Thursday afternoon, … Continue reading

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Who Is Roger Diamond?

David Suissa writes in the Jewish Journal: Put yourself in the shoes of this Jewish man. You’re a lawyer representing the interests of a strip club called Skins, which has been in a long, drawn-out battle with the city and … Continue reading

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Touch My Body

Brendan writes: If Mariah Carey’s first single from her new album, ‘E=MC2,’ is even one-fifth as hot as the cover art, the diva can add another No. 1 hit to her name. Welcome back, Mimi. I wonder what the Torah … Continue reading

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Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach – Likely New Headmaster At Shalhevet

Rabbi Weinbach (the son of a rabbi) is now Principal of Rabbi Teitz Mesivta Academy in New Jersey. Rabbi Weinbach is making it a condition of his taking the job at Shalhevet that Jerry Friedman (a nominal member of Beth … Continue reading

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