Daily Archives: February 14, 2008

Thank You Leon Merker!

I sometimes despair at ever finding a woman to love. Well, on the second to last page of this week’s Jewish Journal, a bloke named Leon Merker, who’s no looker, has a gorgeous bird on his arm (Abby Firstenberg). They’re … Continue reading

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The Wonderful Reality Of Mogen David

The worst singles events I’ve ever attended were at Mogen David more than a decade ago. I can’t complain. Some good people were trying to do good things. It was our failure as lonely pathetic single Jews. Daniel Langburn, a … Continue reading

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Chai Center rabbi explains ‘off the handle’ e-mails

I’ve known of Schwartzie for about 20 years from Dennis Prager’s lectures. When I came to L.A., I was excited to meet Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz and he was everything Prager promised and more. Schwartzie loves Judaism and he reaches out … Continue reading

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Jewish school accused on admissions

From JTA: A prestigious Jewish school in London was accused of discrimination for refusing to accept the daughter of a convert. The JFS, formerly known as the Jewish Free School, rejected the application of a girl whose mother is a … Continue reading

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The Jewish Journal Has Passed Its Quota On ‘Silencing The Left’ Cover Stories

This week it is crafted thus: "The L.A. Battle For Israel’s Survival. Hawks seize the limelight as the Doves fight to be heard." On Sept. 27, 2002, it read: "The Silencing of the Left? How the quest for a united … Continue reading

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