I Want To Apologize To The Abos!

Figuring this is the best way to get a date on Valentine’s Day, Your Moral Leader will apologize to indigenous Australia’s stolen generations when his blogging resumes next month, but will not establish a compensation fund.

Mr Ford said his campaign promise would be realised during the next 30 days.

He said the apology was necessary because long-standing problems plaguing indigenous communities could not be addressed until it was made.

"The intention is to build this bridge of respect between indigenous and non-indigenous Australia," Mr Ford told the Seven network.

"(Then) we can get on with the business of closing the gap in terms of life expectancy, education levels and health levels between indigenous and non-indigenous communities."

He reiterated a promise that no compensation fund would be established following the apology.

"We will not be establishing any compensation funds," Mr Ford said.

He also said individual Australians have the right to oppose the move, saying the apology was not coming from the non-indigenous citizens.

"We’ll be making it clear that we’ll be speaking in the government’s name," he said.

"The judgment I have made is … let’s get this symbolic act of apology right and then let’s move on together.

"Both symbols and substance are important – that’s the truth of it."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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