Monthly Archives: February 2008

After Landing My First SEO Client, I Made A Terrible Blooper

Sales closer Glenn J. Broder ( is my first client for search engine optimization. I was doing an interview with him this morning when things went terribly wrong. Check it out. Broder is a frum Jew from Baltimore. I snuck … Continue reading

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Is The Mortgage Crisis Good For The Jews?

A concerned L.A. mom emails: How will the Morgage meltdowns/housing downturn affect the Jews in our community? I have seen many many Jews in my community (Fairfax-La Brea) turn to the "equity" in their homes to pay for tuition, weddings…trips … Continue reading

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Who’s The New Head Of Shalhevet?

On Thursday, the school board approved offering Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach a contract. It will come as shock and awe to my faithful readers that when I reported months ago that Steve Bailey (Jerry Friedman’s man) was going to be the … Continue reading

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Help Luke Join The Cool Kids!

I want to snag a ride to and from LimmudLA this weekend. I posted on Limmud’s ride sharing board but got no response. Sometimes I fear that I’ve lost my mojo. In my desperation, I’m making this one time offer … Continue reading

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Camera Of Death Vs. Jane Russell & 16th Annual Movieguide Faith and Values Awards Gala

Stills: Stuttgart’s Miss Muffin Blind Band Blind Band Blind Band Dr. Kim Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Eric Close Eric Close Eric Close … Continue reading

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