Who’s The New Head Of Shalhevet?

On Thursday, the school board approved offering Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach a contract.

It will come as shock and awe to my faithful readers that when I reported months ago that Steve Bailey (Jerry Friedman’s man) was going to be the new head of Shalhevet, I was wrong. I hear now that Dr. Bailey will be a consultant (he has a one-year contract). Rabbi Weinbach will take Avi Greene’s job (Rabbi Greene is leaving at the end of the semester) and Ken Milman’s job (a combined savings of $300,000 per annum) and Jerry Friedman’s job.

I wonder how much of Shalhevet’s project $3 million budget deficit is due to the school picking up the tab for Jerry’s daily lunches at Pats? Those appetizers add up. Also, Jerry’s always considerate enough to bring back lunch for Shalhevet’s Beatrice Levavi (the hard-working head of admissions, mother of six, and Jerry’s watchdog). Figure $50 per lunch 200 times a year and that equals $10,000.

I can only afford to take my dates to Pats when I get coupons from Ralphs (which is never).

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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