Monthly Archives: February 2008

Gays In Israel Causing Earthquakes?

Jane writes that the Shas S’fardi religious party in Israel speaks a lot against gay rights. They are also against allowing Gay couples adaptation of children. In a discussion in the K’resset (Israel’s parliament) today on the topic on earth … Continue reading

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I’m No Longer Going To Poskin For People Unless I Have A Relationship With Them

Unless you are a member of my website, unless you subscribe to Your Moral Leader‘s newsletter, unless I know where you are coming from, I no longer feel comfortable ruling on Jewish law for you. So I tell you what … Continue reading

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Is It A Sin To Bang Washington Lobbyists Like The Whores They Are?

Or is it a mitzvah?

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Highland Park, NJ – Rabbi Teitz: Rabbonim Naive, Dealing With Female Gender, And ‘Agunot’ Issues

Morris emails: "another jerk rabbi gives pro feminist lecture an agunot. may they all burn in hell. Luke, perhaps the reason why there are so many singles outhere,is because these feminists are causing fear in these men who dont want … Continue reading

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I Lost All My Friends Through Blogging

Almost all the good friends I had in Los Angeles in 1997 I lost by 1998 because of their vehement objections to what I was writing online. This devastated me. I went into therapy for years to talk about it. … Continue reading

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