Monthly Archives: January 2008

Your Moral Leader’s Lurid Midnight Confessions

My latest videos are on turning friends into enemies and enemies into friends. Thirteen minutes of exquisite wisdom recorded at midnight. I used to assume that if you made a friend, you made him for life. It doesn’t always work … Continue reading

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Murder In Pacific Palisades

From TabloidBaby: A “domestic dispute” in the middle of Sunset Boulevard in the driving rain led to murder in quiet Pacific Palisades sometime around midnight and a crime scene at the Mobil at the corner of Sunset and Swarthmore in … Continue reading

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I’ve Launched A New Blog With A Friend –

My friend writes on From Aagla (Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles) we get the Answer: In California, you can’t discriminate against prospective renters on the basis of their income source. For insstance, you can’t put something in your … Continue reading

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Robin Garbose

From The Jewish Week: Los Angeles — The tops of moonlit palm trees hovered above hundreds of Orthodox girls and women who drove through the enormous gates of Paramount Studio’s lot to The Sherry Lansing Theater on a recent Saturday … Continue reading

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Who Profits From Britney?

Portfolio reports: The Paparazzi A Britney photo garners anywhere from $250 (for a run-of-the-mill shot of her at Starbucks) to $100,000 or more. The photo agency X17, which has a team trailing her 24-7, estimates that Britney accounts for 30 … Continue reading

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