Monthly Archives: January 2008

Google Search Engine Myths Exposed

Google is like the Holy Grail of marketing on the web.  Rank well in Google and your profits are pretty much set. On January 9th, 2008, Jonathan Leger is releasing a new free report that completely obliterates the following myths … Continue reading

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Sprightly YouTube film reviewers Marcia Nasatir and Lorenzo Semple bill themselves as the Reel Geezers

Patrick Goldstein writes: WHEN was the last time you heard anyone get excited about a new film critic? That was my reaction when "Michael Clayton" director Tony Gilroy began raving to me about the review he’d seen on YouTube. "It … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Blog Turns One

It’s written by Prager’s producer Allen Estrin (as opposed to Hugh Hewitt who writes his own blog). Here the latest: Michael O’Hanlon says Obama’s achilles heel might be Iraq. Fascinating take from a Democrat at the Brookings Institution. The world … Continue reading

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The Historical Study Of Jewish Law

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The study of the history of halakhah is fraught with methodological and religious dangers. Good study requires thorough understanding of the breadth of rabbinic writings throughout history, as well as an appreciation for the rabbinic mindset. … Continue reading

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Predicting Hillary’s Breakdown

Mickey Kaus writes: The Anchoress predicted the cryin’ on January 2: What I dread most in this political season is the "genuine" moment – and it is coming, soon, sometime between today and tomorrow, or tomorrow and New Hampshire – … Continue reading

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