Dennis Prager’s Blog Turns One

It’s written by Prager’s producer Allen Estrin (as opposed to Hugh Hewitt who writes his own blog).

Here the latest:

Michael O’Hanlon says Obama’s achilles heel might be Iraq. Fascinating take from a Democrat at the Brookings Institution.

The world was a cold place last year. Literally. Some scientists are now saying global freezing is more likely than global warming. Oh, I forgot. The case is closed.

New bulbs may cause cancer. Every day some new concern emerges. Imagine if this wasn’t a "Global Warming" sanctioned item.

Obama ahead of Hillary in New Hampshire. If this proves to be accurate, it’s all over for Hillary.

New Happiness Hour lyrics on YouTube. Here’s a new composition by Alan Miller. You can hear it here.

David Brooks: Iowa turns out to be big, especially for Obama.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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