Monthly Archives: January 2008

Going Topless

Greg Gutfeld writes: While the American public stupidly focused on the New Hampshire primaries, another, more important election was going on. Following a campaign by feminists, women can now bathe topless in a swimming pool in northern Sweden. Now, I’ve … Continue reading

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Making Money Online

Joe emails: I think you have more important website issues. A day or two ago, you dumped a bunch of text-links–undifferentiated, unseparated text-links–into prime real-estate to the left, above the fold, as they say. The whole thing looks like a … Continue reading

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Britney Spears Flees Town

She’s going to try to get herself together outside of LA’s pressure cooker. According to the AP: Britney Spears’ family says "Dr. Phil" McGraw crossed the line by not keeping his mouth shut after making a house call on the … Continue reading

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Mogen David Hires A New Assistant Rabbi

Joe writes: "Mogen David hired a new assistant rabbi (Hayim Williams) away from Beth Jacob. Unlike the last Mogen David Rabbi (Muskat) who had the thankless job of trying to be the rabbi with Gabe Elias, this one is officially … Continue reading

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Dumbest Comments By A Jew

Jason Maoz writes for The Jewish Press: The winner of my fourth annual Henry Schwarzschild Award for most offensive comments by a Jew in the public spotlight is David Landau, editor of Haaretz, Israel’s leading left-wing daily. The prize is … Continue reading

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