Monthly Archives: January 2008

Ends And Means

Here are some new poems and commentary by my new friend (we’ve never met in person, only by email) Dr. Gershon Hepner: Ends and Means The ends may justify the means providing you achieve your ends, but don’t expect to … Continue reading

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Mexico City Rolls Out Women-Only Buses

How can we get more of this type of behavior in America? How can we get more poverty, illiteracy, illegitimacy, corruption, welfare dependency and criminality? Hmmm. Wait. I know. Let’s import more law-breaking immigrants and appoint them to key political … Continue reading

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What Have You Done About Diarrhea In Africa?

Far more Africans die from diarrhea than from AIDS. So why go on a 5K run for AIDS in Africa? Go run to dry up the diarrhea in Africa. (From Dennis Prager) When I was a kid, people were ashamed … Continue reading

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All In The Numbers: A Mathematical Explanation For The ‘Shidduch Crisis’

Mathematician Ariel Halbert writes in The Jewish Press: is the best of times and the worst of times in the world of shidduch dating. Anecdotal evidence suggests that most single men in the various circles of Orthodox Jewry today have … Continue reading

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Non-Male Non-Orthodox Non-Rabbis

Rabbi Gil Student writes: There was an article in The Jerusalem Post a few weeks ago announcing that the Hartman Institute has decided to start ordaining women as Orthodox rabbis (link). I did not comment on it initially because it … Continue reading

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