Is McCain A Conservative?

From Dennis Prager:

Thursday January 31, 2008
Prager H1: Dennis talks to Ari Fleischer, former presidential press secretary, about last night’s debate and the upcoming Super Tuesday primaries. John McCain took a cheap shot at Mitt Romney (he fired people when he was a businessman) that Fleischer found disquieting… Rudy Giuliani endorses John McCain. To McCain’s credit and unlike the Democratic nominees, McCain names our enemy – radical Islam.

   Length: 00:33:49

Thursday January 31, 2008
Prager H2: Hitler came to power 75 years ago. Unlike Japan, Germany has acknowledged its dark past. A tribute to this country. Unfortunately, they have drawn the wrong lessons from it… Dennis plays clips from last night’s debate and comments.

   Length: 00:33:45

Thursday January 31, 2008
H3: Who’s Lying? With Dennis Prager
Prager H3: The sharpest exchange in last night’s debate was between Mitt Romney and John McCain on the issue of whether Governor Romney called for a timetable of withdrawal from Iraq… Dennis talks to Ben Shapiro, bestselling author and a nationally syndicated columnist. His latest book is Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House.
   Length: 00:33:54

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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