Luke, The Love Doctor

Joe emails:

I’ve got a problem… And I think you’re the only person who would understand. I have a crush on….

Not that weird crush some guys get where they go out and buy all of one girl’s DVDs, but like an actual crush. She came to…to do some signings… and I got to meet her in person and get a picture and an autograph. She’s really nice to her fans, even weirdos like me.

So now I have this strange crush on her. I actually want to get to know her, which is huge departure from my usual ‘I don’t really care about anyone else but me’ mentality. How can someone possibly get over someone that gorgeous and sweet? Yet I can’t really ask her out because she’s inundated with tons of emails from people…

How does a mere civilian like me get to actually stand out from the crowd and get to know a woman like her who is in the business? I don’t want to date her because she’s…, I just sort of look at it as an interesting job. Never a dull story when she comes home from work. I want to date her because physically and personality-wise (as far as I can tell) she’s perfect. Someone would have to be an idiot to not want to stick around and get to know her.

So, of all people, I ask you, Luke Ford, aka The Love Doctor, for help.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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