Daily Archives: August 8, 2007

Your Black Muslim Bakery

Sam emails: "We have so many cults here we are not addressing."Thom Lynch, executive director of the San Francisco LGBT Community Center Phil Matier, Now that this horrible tragedy has occured, when are you going to investigate the other cults, and … Continue reading

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The Death Of Conservative Judaism

Here’s an excerpt from the March 29, 2004 sermon by Rabbi Denise Eger (Reform): The Panel’s bombshell moment came when Rabbi Paul Menitoff, head of the Reform Rabbis predicted the death of Conservative Judaism. You could hear the gasps in … Continue reading

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Internet, Intermarriage And Pornography

Rabbi Gil Student provides the following links and discussion: R. Mordechai Willig in this week’s TorahWeb, invoking R. Eliyahu Dessler’s concept of nekudas ha-bechirah — a point of choice (link): Many rabbonim, including myself, have dealt with marriages threatened by … Continue reading

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Ten Reasons I Am A Jew

Dennis Prager writes in Moment (link from Rabbi Gil Student): The Jews are the Chosen People. Just as people need an instruction manual for a camera, they need an instruction manual on how to lead a good, holy and meaningful … Continue reading

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Cardinal Lustiger Would Say Kaddish For His Mother

From Haaretz.com: One day Rabbi Rene-Samuel Sirat was invited to attend a lecture on the Holocaust, held in the amphitheater of the Sorbonne University in Paris. The speaker, a member of the Academie Francaise, moved the audience when he spoke … Continue reading

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