Ten Reasons I Am A Jew

Dennis Prager writes in Moment (link from Rabbi Gil Student):

  1. The Jews are the Chosen People.
  2. Just as people need an instruction manual for a camera, they need an instruction manual on how to lead a good, holy and meaningful life. Judaism provides the best one ever written: the Torah.
  3. The Torah is a divine document.
  4. Judaism is a religion of moderation.
  5. Judaism provides immense joy. No religion provides such continuous joy-filled moments as Judaism. I am referring to the weekly celebration of Shabbat and the frequent holidays. Every week I look forward to Shabbat in a way unknowable to non-Jews or Jews who do not celebrate the Sabbath.
  6. Judaism provides meaning.
  7. Judaism provides community. Whether on Shabbat or on holidays, whether in joy—the birth of a child, a wedding—or in crisis or mourning, our religion does not allow us to be alone.
  8. Judaism is uniquely preoccupied with good and evil.
  9. Judaism is concerned with the present world.
  10. Judaism allows, even encourages, a Jew to argue with God.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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