Daily Archives: August 31, 2007

Am I A Chicken Swinger?

Chaim Amalek writes: "There is an article on kapporos in today’s NY Post and a few videos on the practice on youtube. Where do you stand on this practice – do you hold with RAMBAM, who declared it to be … Continue reading

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Shaarey Zedek Shul Review

Joe writes about the Valley shul: Biggest Orthodox Synagogue in the Valley. Very crowded, lots of families and an average age in the 30s. Growing slowly, and the new building can hardly contain the membership. Many young marrieds due to … Continue reading

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KNBC’s Laurel Erickson Returns To Work

From ERSNews.com: ERS News can confirm that KNBC-TV reporter Laurel Erickson is back on the job following her run-in with a Telemundo crewmember after a press conference with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on August 3rd 2007. ERS exclusively broke … Continue reading

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‘Who still talks of the extermination of the Armenians?’

Brad A. Greenberg blogs: In honor of not one, not two, but three op-eds in this week’s Jewish Journal addressing the Armenian Genocide, I’ve decided to resurrect a post from April, pasted below. I also recommend reading a story The … Continue reading

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Ner Israel Rabbi Alleged Abuser

Phil Jacobs writes for the Baltimore Jewish Times: The whispering got louder in the summer of 2006. Rabbi Moshe Eisemann, 71, a beloved longtime Ner Israel Rabbinical College scholar, teacher and author, was associated with the words "alleged molester. A … Continue reading

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