Daily Archives: August 29, 2007

Stopping By The Woods On A Sunny Evening

Just before 7 p.m. Monday, I started walking down a street to get to shul. I had my tzitzit out and my kipa on. It was hot and I was sweaty and disgusting. From 100 yards away, I spotted naked … Continue reading

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The Decalogue, dangerous? Advice for a society that cringes at commandments

I just finished reading David Klinghoffer’s new book, Shattered Tablets: Why We Ignore The Ten Commandments At Our Peril. I don’t have much to say about it because I agree with it. Rod Dreher writes: Mr. Klinghoffer cites the work … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t Anyone Hire My Mom To Write An Article About Me?

She’d be a much better choice than that tosser Brad E. Greenberg. Mom emails: Any luck with the girlfriend scene? Lovely weather here since the big storm blew over. They had severe flooding up at Noosa, but not as bad … Continue reading

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