Daily Archives: August 23, 2007

Ray Richmond’s Gentle Sensitive Side

If you know Ray Richmond, you don’t immediately think "gentle" and "sensitive." He’s a slashing writer and conversationalist. In his column today, however, Ray sounds like a poor man’s Oprah Winfrey as he tries to repair his reputation as a … Continue reading

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Journalism That Bloggers Do

Jay Rosen writes: Blowback! That’s what you’re in for when a great American newspaper runs a Sunday opinion piece as irretrievably lame as "Blogs: All the noise that fits" by Michael Skube (Aug. 19). Skube is a former Pulitzer Prize-winning … Continue reading

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KNBC’s Laurel Erickson Suspended

ERSNews.com reports: It looks like Mirthala Salinas may not be the only NBC/Telemundo reporter who is getting an extended vacation this summer. ERS News has learned that KNBC reporter Laurel Erickson may have been placed on suspension as well by … Continue reading

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