Daily Archives: August 22, 2007

Dennis Prager Conducting High Holiday Services In LA

Prager said on his third hour of today’s radio show that this will be a first for him and anyone who’s interested should email him: dennisprager@dennisprager.com.

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Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller Profiled In The September Issue Of Los Angeles Magazine

I love how Jesse Katz focuses on how the case became a "Jewish American Rorschach test, its interpretation shaped by ideology, by identity, by religious and partisan agendas." I could never become upset about the case. The rabbi felt verbally … Continue reading

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How Desperate Am I?

Bob emails: I remember a TV program that featured women who were attracted to convicted killers. One of the Menedez boys hooked up with a former Playboy model. How desperate are you for a mate? ps No female nibbles from … Continue reading

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Dating Advice From My Mom

She emails from Australia: Get a nice hair cut and a new outfit. Be nice when you ditch the old ones, they talk to each other. Don’t you find your friends in the same boat? I think young women want … Continue reading

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LA Times to ERS News: Cease and Desist/ERS News to LA Times: Make Your Reporters Stop Copying Us

Kate Coe writes for Fishbowl LA: ERS News.com enjoys a good game of cat and mouse with the LA Times lawyer. The exchange is long, but very worthwhile, and it all started with a cease and desist demand. First email … Continue reading

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