Daily Archives: August 6, 2007

Three Breaking Stories On ERSNews.com

Eric Longabardi reports: ERSNews.com has exclusively obtained a photo of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa issuing then Telemundo General Manager Manual Abud KVEA-TV52 in Los Angeles an official City proclamation honoring the Telemundo station on November 9th, 2005. Abud was … Continue reading

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And Now Comes The Crash…

For a decade, I’ve fantasized about appearing on the cover of the Jewish Journal. I’ve spent more time thinking about what I’ll say in that ultimate interview than I’ve spent trying to pick up chicks. (I have a far richer … Continue reading

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Mr. Confidential: The Man, the Magazine & the Movieland Massacre

I interview Samuel Bernstein Monday morning. His first book was 1994’s Uncommon Heroes, 130 profiles of extraordinary gays. His latest book is Mr. Confidential: The Man, the Magazine & the Movieland Massacre (website). It has received only positive reviews, including … Continue reading

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Europeans heighten threat levels

From Reuters: The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” … Continue reading

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Orthodox Yeshiva Claims ‘Philosophy Of Inclusiveness’

Allan Nadler writes in the Forward: "In addition to Feldman, one is reminded of, say, journalist Andrew Sullivan’s sad mewing about the Catholic Church’s rejection of his choice to live, and advocate for, an openly gay life. Closer to home, … Continue reading

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