Daily Archives: August 13, 2007

Does The Jewish Journal Love Israel?

Jewish Journal writer Danielle Berrin blogs about Friday night’s dialogue: The truth is, you can only really edit a Jewish publication, if you love being Jewish, if you love Israel with your soul. Yet among the crowd gathered at Sinai … Continue reading

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The Mayor And Spurned Reporter Ana Garcia

From ERSNews.com: Ana Garcia, anchor, sometime "investigative reporter" and former communication director to Los Angeles District Attorney Rocky Delgadillo, is not happy with Mayor Villaraigosa. It seems the Mayor doesn’t want to talk to her about how and when he … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: …Feldman has performed one valuable service: His piece serves as a warning against the easy assumption that the best in secular learning can be readily reconciled with passionate Torah study. When equal emphasis is placed on the … Continue reading

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I Need Me A Yom Kippur Queen

Some secular Jews used to hold parties on Yom Kippur (the most solemn day of the Jewish year) and select a "Yom Kippur Queen."

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The End Of Something

It was 2004. For a few months now, we’d been having lunch regularly and exchanging email almost daily. "I’d love to see Rabbi X.’s face when he finds out we’re going out," I wrote her. "We’re not going out," she … Continue reading

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