Monthly Archives: August 2007

I Need Me A Yom Kippur Queen

Some secular Jews used to hold parties on Yom Kippur (the most solemn day of the Jewish year) and select a "Yom Kippur Queen."

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The End Of Something

It was 2004. For a few months now, we’d been having lunch regularly and exchanging email almost daily. "I’d love to see Rabbi X.’s face when he finds out we’re going out," I wrote her. "We’re not going out," she … Continue reading

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I Ran Into My Former Talmud Teacher

Ralphs. Sunday morning. After davening. I first see him in produce so I wheel my cart into breakfast cereals. He shows up there too and proceeds up the aisle towards me. I turn my cart around and head for dairy. … Continue reading

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Sorry, Los Angeles, Calendar Girl Dikla Kadosh Has A Boyfriend

The curvy hottie writes for the Jewish Journal: As the least observant member of my family for most of my life, I don’t think my mom ever expected me to start lighting shabbat candles. But I have recently. At first, … Continue reading

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I Have No Compassion For Drug Addicts & Alcoholics

I only have contempt. If you want to get sober, good for you, but don’t look to me for support. If you want to practice unsafe sex and catch a deadly disease (physical or spiritual), I have contempt for you. … Continue reading

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