Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Reconsidering F.M. Alexander

Professor Rodney Mace of the Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies at the University of London wrote in 1997 this foreword to the second volume of Jeroen Staring’s book, The First 43 Years of the Life of F. Matthias … Continue reading

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After 44 Months, I’m Gonna Shave Off My Beard

I just made a deal tonight to get financing for the rest of my Alexander Technique teacher training. As a condition for this loan, I’ve agreed to stay clean-shaven for at least the first year of my Alexander Technique private … Continue reading

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Common Mistakes Alexander Technique Teachers Make With Their Websites

I was listening to Robert Rickover list off mistakes: * Putting skeletons on your website. * Using jargon such as “inhibition” or “primary control” or “constructive conscious control” and the like. * Putting up photos of the teacher with his … Continue reading

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The Alexander Police

There’s been only one academic history (by Jeroen Staring) of F.M. Alexander and it shows conclusively that he plagiarized most if not all of the ideas that his followers attribute to him. Yet there is no mention of this in … Continue reading

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When Your Leader Is A Plagiarist

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. I was taught that our founder, Ellen G. White, was a prophet of God who had visions of divine revelation that the Church was God’s true chosen people and that He was sending Jesus … Continue reading

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