Category Archives: Alexander Technique

Teaching Alexander Technique On A Rainy Sunday

My new Alexander site is

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Marketing The Benefits Of Alexander Technique Without The Off-Putting Alexander Language

The two most successful new teachers of Alexander Technique in California are Amira Alvarez in Berkeley and Sharon Jakubecy in downtown Los Angeles. They both have slick websites that stress the benefits of the Technique but don’t use the unattractive … Continue reading

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What Can The Alexander Technique Cure?

No authentic representative of the Alexander Technique will ever claim it can cure anything. What it can do is to reveal to somebody his habits of needless compression and show him how to let them go. This is not always … Continue reading

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Trial Attorneys – Do You Care About How You Come Across?

I notice that people in high-stress positions like trial attorney tend to carry around a lot of unnecessary tension and this warps the way they come across. The most common tension pattern I see is the head thrust forward and … Continue reading

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Panic Attacks Kill Triathletes

If you think about your Alexander Technique directions (a free neck, the head releasing away from the torso, back lengthening and widening), it is virtually impossible to have a panic attack. You must compress to panic. If you think about … Continue reading

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