Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

When Did You Last Hear Of A Female Leader Getting Into A Sex Scandal?

I can’t remember the last time I heard of a woman throwing everything all away for sex with a stranger. That’s not female nature. They prefer emotional intimacy to meaningless sex. Men have a higher sex drive than women do. … Continue reading

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You Have A Micro-Brain

I had a girlfriend at UCLA in 1989. Because of my CFS, we’d lie in bed a lot and listen to Dennis Prager’s radio show on Saturday and Sunday nights. Dennis said that men were more oriented to macro-issues such … Continue reading

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How I Discovered The Alexander Technique

September, 2010 “What’s the matter, Luke?” asks the hostess at the end of the meal. “You haven’t said anything inappropriate all meal? We even have two single women here.” I am at Shabbos lunch with friends. I’ve known them for … Continue reading

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Should Anthony Weiner Retain His Seat In Congress?

Dennis Prager writes: I cannot think of a single event that symbolizes the decline of American society — and especially of its liberal elite — as much as Weiner’s actions and his retention of his seat in Congress. It is … Continue reading

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Do You Add Joy?

On his happiness hour Friday, Dennis Prager asked if you bring joy to people’s lives. We all know people who bring gloom. I’m thinking of one person. I can spot him from far away. He is that deformed by his … Continue reading

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