Tag Archives: rabbi

Why Do We Give Other People What We Want?

I’m sitting in my hovel surrounded by freakin’ balloons. Everywhere I go — which isn’t far in here — I’m tripping over and colliding with balloons. They’re big and bright and blue and they’re wishing me a happy birthday. They’re … Continue reading

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The UnJewish Journal?

Disco Duck emails: Levi, Here is my assessment of the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. Over time I have noticed that most local Orthodox Rebbeim refer to it as the "unJewish Journal". More than one local Rabbi has given me … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews So Crazy?

palestine4ever:  hello Mr. Luke. palestine4ever:  Why are Jews so crazy? palestine4ever:  I’m not female but if I was, I still cannot wrap my head around a rabbi seduction fantasy. palestine4ever:  Pun intended. palestine4ever:  It’s like writing erotic fan fiction about … Continue reading

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Don’t Take Revenge

I’m studying Sefer HaChinuch — a 14th Century working enumerating all the mitzvas in the Torah — with a rabbi. Today we studied the mitzva of not taking revenge. If someone does something bad to me, I want to hurt … Continue reading

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How Should Religious Zionism React To The Conversion Controversy?

Shahar Ilan writes in Haaretz: If anyone thought that religious Zionism should continue having anything to do with the Chief Rabbinate or the rabbinic courts, along came the ousting of Rabbi Haim Druckman from his position as head of the … Continue reading

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