I’m Singing ‘Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport’ On My Live Cam

Click here to join Holly Randall in my chat room:

guest213:  holly randall is lesbian
guest210:  who gave you that shirt?
YHWH:  luke what sort of trauma has holly randall experienced
YHWH:  only you would know
susie:  i agree with you ElShaddai
guest6677:  xpt psychology session
Emma:  -humming-
guest218:  uh hello is this thing on?
User guest218 left the room.
YourMoralLeader:  http://www.lukeford.net/archives/updates/080320.htm
ElShaddai:  yes we hear you
YourMoralLeader:  my workoout video
Emma:  lol the funky music
guest213:  luke why not move to israel?
User HollyRandall ( entered the room.
ElShaddai:  I wish all webcams could be like Lukes webcam. It’s filled with love understanding and truth
HollyRandall:  i didn’t realize clicking on this link automatically logs me in
YHWH:  what kind of credentials do you have to show in Israel
User Emma left the room.
ElShaddai:  its really her
ElShaddai:  will they allow you to bring your camz to Israel?
guest221:  its the scammer
YHWH:  some of those israeli sluts are awesome
ElShaddai:  then go forth my son
HollyRandall:  were you singing to me?
HollyRandall:  i don’t have the volume on
guest221:  what happened to lukeford.com    i wonder
YHWH:  a nebbish like you shouldn’t have a hard time find ing a bossy jewish wife to take over your life
YHWH:  sing it out loud luke!
YHWH:  sing from the heart
YHWH:  sing from the diaphragm
HollyRandall:  ok now i know why i don’t have the volume on– that music sounds terrible
HollyRandall:  turning it back off
ElShaddai:  his landlord will think hes got kids in there again
guest213:  he have this song in repeat
YourMoralLeader:  how’s your love life holly? How can I help? Tell me where it hurts
User guest222 left the room.
HollyRandall:  it’s good
HollyRandall:  i had a date with a nice Jewish boy last night
YHWH:  nice
HollyRandall:  we talked about God, marriage, kids, and death all on the first date
HollyRandall:  hahaha
YHWH:  luke you’re a romantic
YHWH:  that’s what every girl wants to hear, conversion
YHWH:  speak up burg
YHWH:  don’t be reticent
User blackbreafs left the room.
YourMoralLeader:  where r u and God these days holy?
YHWH:  tie me moral leader down
ElShaddai:  hahaha at YHWH
HollyRandall:  we’re in talks 😉
HollyRandall:  i’m working on my spirituality
User guest213 changed their name to JesusChrist.
HollyRandall:  i wouldn’t say i’m religious by any means
JesusChrist:  hi luke i am your father
JesusChrist:  come with my to my salvation kingdome
BurgandhisBurgness:  That is Darth´s line.
ElShaddai:  hush Son
JesusChrist:  kingdome
JesusChrist:  kingdong
YHWH:  holly isnt  you mother jewish
YHWH:  i’d swear she was
User guest223 changed their name to JimBXPT.
HollyRandall:  um, no
HollyRandall:  nobody in my family is Jewish
BurgandhisBurgness:  Holly, were you ever asked to piss in Luke´s mouth?
JesusChrist:  Holly are you baptist?
YourMoralLeader:  how many jews have you seduced holly?
HollyRandall:  nah he wasn’t that adventurous
JesusChrist:  lutheran?
HollyRandall:  i don’t know Luke– I never ask someone what their religious denomination is before i take their pants off
JesusChrist:  mormon?
ElShaddai:  can you play Waltzing Matilda next?
YourMoralLeader:  watch your language guys or i’ll have to ban you even if I love you
HollyRandall:  i don’t know exactly what religion my mom was raised in– i don’t think she was raised very religiously
JesusChrist:  who had  bad language?
ElShaddai:  having them drop trou might be a quick way to check Holly
HollyRandall:  hahaha
HollyRandall:  everyone is circumsized these days, so i don’t think that method works
JesusChrist:  euro studs no
User guest224 left the room.
JimBXPT:  Drinking Urine? The beard? For the love of Christ, SOMEBODY confiscate his weapon before he hurts himself!!!!

JesusChrist:  Holly are you baptist?
YourMoralLeader:  how many jews have you seduced holly?
HollyRandall:  nah he wasn’t that adventurous
JesusChrist:  lutheran?
HollyRandall:  i don’t know Luke– I never ask someone what their religious denomination is before i take their pants off
JesusChrist:  mormon?
ElShaddai:  can you play Waltzing Matilda next?
YourMoralLeader:  watch your language guys or i’ll have to ban you even if I love you
HollyRandall:  i don’t know exactly what religion my mom was raised in– i don’t think she was raised very religiously
JesusChrist:  who had  bad language?
ElShaddai:  having them drop trou might be a quick way to check Holly
HollyRandall:  everyone is circumsized these days, so i don’t think that method works
JesusChrist:  euro studs no
ElShaddai:  show us your digeridoo luke
JohnRittersWidow:  how about a few chorus’ of Waltzing Matilda
JohnRittersWidow:  you can march around the room while you sing it
ElShaddai:  A Better World thru Australian Singalongs
RussianDragon:  rolf harris jeez
RussianDragon:  he terrorized me on brittish tv in my youth
YourMoralLeader:  Holly, I wanna redecorate the hovel to look like Studio 54
JohnRittersWidow:   Studio 54….hahahaaaaa The Hovel is smaller than stidio 54’s restroom
HollyRandall:  hot pink would suit you i think
User guest228 left the room.
User JohnRittersWidow left the room.
JesusChrist:  LOLLLLLL!!!!
Hello:  straighten up you books
JesusChrist:  luke what are you doing now? no work?
RussianDragon:  yes your books are falling
guest227:  he is shaming us all
guest221:  hes trying to find out who i am
JesusChrist:  did god dont punish lazy people?
guest227:  blasphemy
guest6677:  he’s providing us with moral leadership
guest227:  dusgrace
guest221:  i dought that
JesusChrist:  waht is yor monthly income now?
YourMoralLeader:  $1200
guest221:  0
guest227:  what about his poor mother?
guest227:  ay yay yay
guest240:  Your a heart wrenching case, Luke
RussianDragon:  i’m getting hunry seeing hilm eat
guest240:  Obviously Judaism has a much richer heritage and culture than Adventism
guest240:  I defied Sister White and bought Bear Stearns. It jumped 90%  today
guest240:  Should I follow Jesus teaching on fiscal responsibility or Sr. White on avoid the stock market? She did say to avoid speculation, didn’t she?
YourMoralLeader:  240, follow the Torah and choose life!
Emma:  I will be putting it up this week sometime Luke..I shall let you know.
guest240:  So was earning 90%  today a sin?
YourMoralLeader:  awesome
YourMoralLeader:  no, it was a blessing from HaShem
YourMoralLeader:  G-d wants you to be rich!
guest240:  Well, Abraham refused to accept the booty from the kings because he wanted it known that his success came from HaShem
guest240:  Do you prefer poverty to a questionable source of income?
guest240:  Rather be a doorkeeper in the house of Hashem than to dwell in the tents of wickedness?
guest240:  Would you consider a former Adventist, Asian, who converted to Judaism, as a wife?
DiscoDuck:  what did you do for purim?
YourMoralLeader:  the usual
YourMoralLeader:  prayer,  food
janice:  hahahahahahahah
janice:  hahahahahahahah
DiscoDuck:  besides getting drunk and waking up next to a young asian boy
janice:  hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
janice:  hahahahahaq
YourMoralLeader:  he was 18
DiscoDuck:  sex?! who was the lucky guy?
janice:  holy moly
DiscoDuck:  at least you wore lamb skin
janice:  bye mr. dragon
YourMoralLeader:  disco, i was doing kiruv
DiscoDuck:  did you dress up aside from your regular wst holyhood outfit?!
YourMoralLeader:  didnt dress up , my choices were too radical — G-d or spitzer
guest240:  Women that I love seem to die unexpectedly
DiscoDuck:  you know what gets me about purim?
guest240:  There was Carol, in Belize
DiscoDuck:  people spend so much on friends with the misloach manos
DiscoDuck:  but they won’t give tot he poor
guest240:  There was Joyce, in Redondo Beach
guest240:  There was Leng Yue in Zhengzhou
guest264:  you that bad a mate 240 that they all preferred death?
janice:  do you kill them 240?
DiscoDuck:  I hate sounding judgemental but poeple are so phony when it comes to mitzvahs at times
guest240:  That’s only three
guest240:  Carol, I expected her to healed by Jesus
janice:  eheheeheh @ 264
guest240:  I travelled across Mexico, expecting to find her rejoicing in Jesus, but she was dead when I got there
guest240:  Shipping her body back to the USA was problematic
YourMoralLeader:  I hate that
YourMoralLeader:  so awkward
guest240:  Corpses don’t travel easily across international boundaries
DiscoDuck:  he’s an ex con mate
DiscoDuck:  look at the pin stripped shirt
guest240:  She won’t be zaftig, unless you get especially lucky
DiscoDuck:  damn scientologists keep sending stuff to my house

SloppyJoe:  The apple does not fall far from the tree
Taylor:   just read your wiki  bit
YourMoralLeader:  is everybody working for the weekend?
Taylor:   some roll way down the hill
SloppyJoe:  Only the ones with worms penetrating them
User guest287 left the room.
SloppyJoe:  What is that horrible music?
SloppyJoe:  Play some Peter Paul and Mary
janice:  i found luke and redemption
SloppyJoe:  Did everyone have a nice Easter?
Taylor:   luke you wanta take my plane and go see janice?
Taylor:   she’s great fun
guest289:  you f**king queer
guest289:  die of aids jew boy
YourMoralLeader:  ya got a plane?
SloppyJoe:  Luke, do a chaver a favor.  If you won’t take up that offer, I will go in your place
guest289:  your jew beard has aids
YourMoralLeader:  I’ll go!
guest289:  like your parents did on their way to the oven
born2lead:  i’m not sure why he referenced the Torah
Taylor:      janice and I ususally go out on thursdays and discuss the torah and have dinner
SloppyJoe:  If you let me go in your staid, I will say a good word about you to the assembled at Zabars
Handful:  You ever coming back to XPT? You are missed
YourMoralLeader:  no
SloppyJoe:  Are you making the money a Jew needs to make to be a Jew?
ChaimAmalek:  Remember, God does not want the chosen few to be poor
janice:  i do have to say that i am happy luke is here
Taylor:       as we all are janice
janice:  i cannot stop smiling!
Taylor:   he’s great isnt he?
janice:  i cannot leave this site
User guest289 changed their name to Nigger.
Nigger:  dumb jew bought one song from itunes
ChaimAmalek:  I make this man the success he is today
Emma:  Well i’m off…just thought id stop by and say I liked your autobiography Luke
Emma:  Bye bye again!
Emma:  hehe
Taylor:   maybe 94 at best
ChaimAmalek:  94?
YourMoralLeader:  thanks
Taylor:   yes 96 was a bad year for AOL
ChaimAmalek:  Luke, should I switch to Prodigy?
User Emma left the room.
Taylor:   lol
ChaimAmalek:  Compuserve costs too much
Taylor:    what year you in now Chaim?
ChaimAmalek:  And my 8086 isn’t fast enough for AOL
ChaimAmalek:  I go all the way back to line editors on the internet
Taylor:     i just put in another 4 mb of memory
ChaimAmalek:  Delphi.
ChaimAmalek:  4MEG?  That’s one long paper tape!
Taylor:   where will it all end
ChaimAmalek:  Holerith cards
ChaimAmalek:  80 characters each card
Taylor:      unbelievable
Taylor:   I just cant keep up

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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