Monthly Archives: January 2018

They’ll Explain When They’re Done

Don’t pay too much attention to which white nationalists (WNs) are for mass genocide and which are for expatriation and which are for incentives and separate homelands. They’ll explain when they’re done, when they’ve created their homogeneous white homelands and … Continue reading

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Looking Out At A Sea Of Poz

Manhattan Beach Pier, Jan 5, 2018. Lewis Fein posts: “That art school should have admitted you.” I’m the same age as my father at Glacier View.

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Forward: Jewish Outreach Group Ramps Up Conversions In Africa, Latin America

Why do we need converts to Judaism from shithole countries? They bring their problems with them into Judaism. They bring crime. They bring drugs. They’re rapists. Some, I guess, are good people. From the Forward: The international Jewish outreach group … Continue reading

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Forward: White Nationalists Just Loved Trump’s ‘Shithole’ Comment

I’m shocked. Forward: President Trump may have come under fire for his comment referring to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” but for white nationalists, he struck just the right tone. The Anti Defamation League collected some of the … Continue reading

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Forward: Paul Nehlen Calls On ‘Alt-Right’ Trolls To Fight ‘Jewish Media’

This is ridiculous and sad because the Jewish Media never fights anyone, never demeans anyone, rather, it always practices love and inclusion. Why would a goy want to fight the Jewish Media? We’re on your side. We only want what … Continue reading

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