Monthly Archives: October 2013

Mark Helprin Is A Hysteric

I enjoy author Mark Helprin (Dennis Prager’s radio producer Allen Estrin says Helprin is America’s greatest living novelist), but he keeps saying so many stupid things in such a histrionic manner that I regretfully conclude that while he should be … Continue reading

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Men Want One-Stop Shopping

Relationship expert ( Alison Armstrong was on Dennis Prager’s radio show today. “Men want to be devoted to his mate and give her everything she desires. But his mate has to provide him with what he needs – admiration, nurturing, … Continue reading

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I Have The Answer!

As I go through life, I see people with all sorts of problems that could be solved if they would only listen to me, and yet people don’t listen to me. They look at me and they see little that … Continue reading

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How To Get An Alexander Technique Teacher Mad — Advocate Teaching By Skype

In the last three years, I’ve noticed that one topic has led to the most heated exchanges in the Alexander Technique world I know — teaching via Skype. That I thought this was OK was a major factor in the … Continue reading

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Most Of My Girlfriends Were Simply The Best I Could Do At The Time

I’m reading Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find and Keep Love and am struck by the description of avoidants as longing for the phantom ex or dreaming of the perfect partner, “one … Continue reading

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