Daily Archives: October 24, 2013

‘Not Around Here!’

* A friend was stuck at a university graduation ceremony listening to mind-numbing speeches, so he started grading the women (Cutie Pie Index) and related the scores to his son, who, a good lefty, became appalled, put his hand over … Continue reading

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Saying Kaddish For Your Dog

A friend of mine at shul, a baal teshuva, was asked who he was saying kaddish for. Was it his mother? No. Was it his father? No. It was for his dog. The dog had been getting chemo the past … Continue reading

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Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences

John Alford, associate professor of political science at Rice University, is one of three authors of this new book. On Wednesday, he said on Dennis Prager’s radio show: “One of the nicest examples of the physiological finding is dealing with … Continue reading

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