Monthly Archives: November 2013

Who Accused FSU Star Quarterback Jameis Winston Of Rape? Erica Kinsman

The formula for winning in college football is to have as many thugs on your team as possible. The downside of this is that you will have to put up with more rapes on campus. No charges are pending for … Continue reading

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Why Do Tongans Struggle With Poverty When They’re So Wonderful And Generous?

That’s the article in the Los Angeles Times. I Googled Tongans and found out that the average IQ is 87, which might explain the poverty. Or it might not. I don’t know how important IQ is for success. Perhaps it … Continue reading

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Who goes shopping for a big screen on Thanksgiving?

People who don’t give a fig about America. By the look of the KABC TV cameras outside Best Buy tonight, these Thanksgiving shoppers do not appear to be descendants of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower. I’d rather be alone, 90% … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Roast

At the April 3, 2008 roast of Dennis Prager for his 25 years in broadcasting, psychiatrist Stephen Marmer said: “As a psychiatrist and psycho-analyst, I’ve been waiting for decades to find a subject who confirms Freud’s stages of development — … Continue reading

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Neville Chamberlain Was Right

David Horowitz tells Dennis Prager today: “This [deal with Iran] is the worse thing to happen since Munich (1938)… The Obama administration has been arming and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, whose spiritual head says the Holocaust is God’s punishment on … Continue reading

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